Return Policy

Here’s how it works:

Every time you make a purchase, you’ll earn points: $1=1 point.
When you hit 100 points, you’ll receive a $5 credit on your account that you can use toward a future purchase.
The cashier will let you know if you have any available rewards at checkout – there’s nothing to print or remember!
Sign up in store!
Right now online purchases are separate from purchases in our store, but we’re working hard to create an integrated system. Stay tuned for details.

The Fine Print:

We cannot apply Reward Points to a transaction retroactively. Reward Points may not be applied toward any exchanges. If you return an item, Reward Points applied to that item will be deducted from the Reward Points total.
We reserve the right to void all or a portion of a customer’s Reward Points if it has been issued, received or redeemed through human or computer error, fraud, theft or illegal means or in any manner inconsistent with the intent of this program.
We reserve the right to modify the terms of this program or to discontinue this program at any time without any notice.